The challenges our Youth is facing is higher cost of studies, joblessness, no career counselling, no guidance from elders to how to survive as their elders are busy in making money to ensure bright future of their kids. The prevailing situation of un-certainity and disrespect for the people who are not considered as the members of Semi rich or elite class has pushed alot of youngsters to flee from country in search of jobs and further education with long term plans to get settled abroad where they get more respect despite their status of a third rate citizen. And above all, the justice system is far better than what we have got here.
Being a young energetic man or a women, every one has certain goals in life which he or she pursues in life. The hopelessness and frustration builds up when equal opportunities in education and then in the job hunt are not being offered to them. This results in loosing able men and women who could have been the key to our success as a nation in the long run.
We have made education a profitable business, those who could afford to study from IBA, LUMS, GIK, AGHA KHAN UNIVERSITY, QAU etc are more likely to end up having good jobs always up their sleeves. On the other hand more talented and promising people which have studied from slightly lower rating institute struggle to get a good start.
Our government has lost focus on the development and prosperity of our youth and thus giving the Nation a major set back by creating a major short fall of talented people. Now the irony of the situation is that even we have quite a few talented people in the field, a new tend has started which is to hire foreign consultants to come and do our job at a much higher cost and equally good local talent is ignored. There are very few job consultation agencies in Pakistan who could keep a track of the best people in the field and get them organised and offer them the best available possibilities. The ones already working charge very high services fees which can go up to one complete salary and or at times even more than that. Good jobs are always given at references and through by passing the normal hiring procedure which again deprives of the real talent on laying their hands on a a reasonable job. If we carefully analyze the situation, we would find a lot of mis-fits and non professional people sitting at key positions in various governmental organizations and NGOs and thus giving a slower growth rate to such organizations.
Its a dilemma and point of concern for all of us that our youth not all of them but majority of it is looking for short cuts in life as they have seen people making their life style turning in to a high class living in the matter of months through earning by un fair means. Have a look at the government expenditure on Education sector and their own spending on visits abroad and maintaining hifi protocol. A person’s worth is no more in his Character, education and family back ground, its all about having enough money in the bank whether earned with honesty or by hook or crook.Media has to play its vital role our core issues these days are education, health, joblessness, poverty and National security, we are least concerned whether actress Meera is married or not, whether Musharaf is hanged or left alone, whether President stays in power or not, what are the new trends in high street fashion market, what are the new innovations in technology and so on. We as a Pakistani Nation want our basic rights and right of having equal opportunities is one of the important issues.
- Tazeen Hamid
You have touched an important issue. Though i disagree with you on some points, I like what you have written.
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